Sunday, February 10, 2013

What the hell is "iteration and inquiry"?

the action or a process of iterating or repeating, as in a procedure in which repetition of a sequence of operations yields results successively closer to a desired result; the act of repeating a process with the aim of approaching a desired goal, target or result. Each repetition of the process is also called an "iteration," and the results of one iteration are used as the starting point for the next iteration.

An iteration is a series of steps taken in a process of creating something - for example a work of art, a piece of software, a series of relationships. The reason for the use of this theme in the show is that we're hoping to see the process you take in making your work or to show your treatment of a theme - over time. So you might...
  • show that first sketch, then the first detailed sketch, then the final piece
  • show the raw photo, then the steps you take to end up with the finished photo
  • show your first try at a self portrait 10 years ago, then a series of self-portraits since then, including the most recent
  • and so on
an examination or investigation into facts or principles; any process that has the aim of augmenting knowledge, resolving doubt, or solving a problem. A theory of inquiry is an account of the various types of inquiry and a treatment of the ways that each type of inquiry achieves its aim.

An inquiry is a focused look at something, almost "investigative" in nature, maybe a bit scientific, maybe even something of a "study" so you might...
  • do a piece focusing on how you tend to procrastinate - and how you overcome this or other barriers
  • examine an object, event, emotion, experience from many different angles
  • show 25 different copies of the same subject matter

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